Get More from a Unified Communication System
- Posted by Makayla Shaffer
- On February 4, 2023
When running a business, you want things to go as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Your communication styles should run that way too. Many businesses use different apps and platforms for different forms of communication. For those that work remotely, it can be hard to keep in contact with them and your clients at the same time. What if video chats, instant chats, emails, and telephones can all be contained in the same system? Well, they can! Unified Communication systems allow all these forms of communication to be found in the same place.
What Exactly Does it do?
Unified Communications is hosted over the cloud, which allows you to use the internet for calls. This also allows the other forms of communication to be held in the same place. Having all these forms of communications in one place saves you money. Rather than paying for separate apps and a private phone branch exchange system, you just need an internet connection and a computer. Phone calls are handled by a Voice of Internet Protocol (VoIP). This allows calls without the expensive land line. Through a combination of hardware, software and network solutions, UC systems can bring it all together.
Why Should You Switch to a UC System?
Having one system that takes care of all your communications makes it easier to train new hires. It increases productivity by reducing the time spent switching between apps. RingCentral did some research that shows 70% of workers who switch between multiple apps waste an hour a day doing so. In a whole year, that adds up to 32 days of wasted time. It promotes employee engagement which increases productivity. If you have employees that work from home, it makes it easier to communicate with them since all they need is an internet connection. It gives the ability to work on any device at any time when logged in.
There are a lot of unified communication systems out there to choose from, each offering a lot of the same services. It’s best to look at all your options and pick the best fit for you. Get opinions, read reviews, and determine the pros and cons of each. We use 3CX and have another post about it, which you can read here. This is just a little snippet of what it can provide you with. If you have any questions or need help getting started, call us and we’ll be glad to help!